Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Father's Day

Dear Husbands,

Fathers Day is Sunday, I'm sure most of you know this, although some of you may be surprised by this news. This is amusing (or frustrating) for many of us wives because many of us can count exactly how many days until the next Mothers Day. Your general nonchalance about these days of recognition is one of the many things we find puzzling about you, dear husband. 

It probably has something to do with the whole "love languages" concept (i.e. how we like love to be expressed). Most women I know feel most appreciated with little gifts or notes. This is, of course, not universal so if you really want to know how best to express your love and appreciation to your wife, I suggest you google "love language". Anyway, for those of us who feel most appreciated when our husbands (and kids) get us gifts or write us notes, Mothers Day becomes one of the few times of the year in which we get the affirmation or recognition. And for the record, the gifts don't need to be expensive, just thoughtful- as in, you notice enough about what we say or what we look at to be able to pick out a gift that's not a tacky charm bracelet or an iron.

So you can see how important Mothers Day can be for many of us, and why it's hard for us to understand why you don't seem to be as interested in Fathers Day. And also why, if we go to a lot of troube to make dinner, or keep the kids from using you as a jungle gym, or shoo you out to play golf when we really need a nap and a glass of wine, or pick out a gift that's not a tacky tie, or do that thing you like (yeah, you know what I'm talking about), we'd like you to remember that for next year. 

I promise you, if you remember and up us one on Mothers Day, your next Fathers Day will be one you won't forget. 

The Wives

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